Calendar of Events
M Mon
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Re-enrollment Opens for 2022-2023
Re-enrollment for currently enrolled CMS students begins and open enrollment for non-CMS students will be offered two week following. Forms will be made available on RenWeb.
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Mother’s Night: Ladybugs
This evening is a special time for moms to visit their students' classrooms and see what work they are doing.
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Mother’s Night: Bumblebees
This evening is a special time for moms to visit their students' classrooms and see what work they are doing.
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Mother’s Night: Dragonflies
This evening is a special time for moms to visit their students' classrooms and see what work they are doing.
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Crazy Hair Day
This fun day is for all students and staff to come to school with crazy hair! Creativity is encouraged.
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Open Enrollment Begins
Open enrollment is the period of time when non-CMS students can begin their application process.
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AMS Conference
As an AMS school the teachers and admin attend this annual conference each year. There is no regular school held on these two days. Child care will be available and information will be provided prior to.
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AMS Conference
As an AMS school the teachers and admin attend this annual conference each year. There is no regular school held on these two days. Child care will be available and information will be provided prior to.
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2nd to 5th level OLSAT Practice Test
Our 2-5th level students take this test each year and this day is so they can practice and experience what the test will be like.
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2nd to 5th level OLSAT Test
Our 2-5th level students take this standardized test once a year. Your teachers will send information about this test prior to the date.