Country Montessori School
Admin Corner
December 8, 2023

“Establishing lasting peace is the work of education.”
Dr. Maria Montessori
Upcoming Dates/Events:
- Trot-a-thon Success!!
- December 22 – Pajama Day
- December 22 – Half Day – 12pm pick up. No PM Child Care
- December 25 – January 5 – Winter Break. No School. No Child Care.
- January 8 – Return to School
CMS Trot-a-thon Success!
We did it! We raised $31,667 at our first fundraiser of the year!! Wow!! All your donations will be invested for our new turf in the Serengeti playground and our outdoor activity & learning spaces! We are extremely thankful for all of our parents, friends/family, and students who supported our school with donations.
All students celebrated today, with ice cream cups, with the choice of sprinkles. Our dairy alternative for students was popsicles.
Soon, we will have all the top earners and top runners of each class silly string the teacher or staff of their choice. And, our top fundraiser will silly string Ms. Corrales!
Lost & Found
We have a very full Lost and Found! If you are missing jackets or other items, please come and take a look. It is located in the office.
**Just a reminder, if you are sending your child(ren) to school with jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts, please make sure you have labeled them so they can make it home!
Pajama Day & Half Day – December 22nd
Pajama Day! Please have your student join in on the fun and send them to school wearing their favorite jammies! Our teachers and staff will be in their PJ’s too!
Friday is also a half-day for all students. Dismissals for all students will be at 12:00.
Child Care is not available in the afternoon.
- Please note that ALL students will have lunch that day.
- All elementary students 1-5 will be dismissed curbside
- All early childhood students will be dismissed in the parking lot
Winter Break Holiday
CMS will be closed from December 25-January 5th. Returning to school on Tuesday, January 8th.
Daily Sign In
We hope that everyone is having a great start to the school year. We wanted to remind everyone to please Sign In and Sign Out every day when you pick up and drop off at Country Montessori School.
This is done through the CMS App, if you do not have the CMS app, click here.
From there, you can click Daily Sign-In or Daily Sign-Out when you pick up and drop off from school
Parent Participation Hours
The CMS Parent Participation Policy provides parents and extended family members the opportunity to get involved with and support CMS.
Each family is required to provide 20 hours of service per school year. Single-parent families are required to provide 10 hours. Families may also elect to pay $25 per hour of service ($500) in lieu of providing service hours.
Morning Arrivals
We are reminding families to please stay in your cars and wait for a teacher to come to get your student. Our arrival procedure is to ensure the safety of our students, to be as efficient as we can, getting our students to class on time and preventing traffic on Monte Vista Road. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Morning Parking Lot Procedures-Elementary Students 8:15-8:30-Use Curb Unless Full
- 1st level-5th level students-Curbside
If there is no room on the curb please pull into the parking lot to avoid backing up the traffic on Monte Vista Road-Please stop at the crosswalk and wait to be moved forward
- If your student is late and it is before 8:40, you need to drive through the parking lot. Your student will be marked tardy-Please stop at the crosswalk and wait to be moved forward
Early Childhood Students 8:15-8:30
Two Lanes in Parking Lot- Ladybug,Bumblebee and Dragonfly students-Please stop at the crosswalk and wait to be moved forward
- Please do not get out of your car, your teacher will take your student from the car
- Please take a right hand turn only out of parking lot
***If you have students in elementary and early childhood please use the curb drop off unless it is full please use lane 2 or 3.
Half Day Dismissals-12:30
Please pull up in front of the office. Walk to the front office gate to pick up your student.
Early Childhood 2:30-2:45 Dismissals
- Please use 2 lanes and stop at the crosswalk and wait to be moved forward and your student will be brought out to you
- If the parking lot is full please use the curb and your student will be taken to you
**If you have children in both EC and Elementary your EC student will be dismissed at the 3:00 dismissal.
Elementary 3:00-3:15 Dismissals
- 4th and 5th level students will be dismissed from the curb
- 1st-3rd level students will be dismissed in the parking lot using 2 lanes
- Please wait at the crosswalk until you are moved forward
Attendance and Tardiness
Country Montessori puts an emphasis on the importance of students being to school on time not only for themselves but for their classmates and classroom. All students should be in class by 8:30.
There is a grace period until 8:40 for our Early Childhood students to accommodate car seats;however we encourage all of our EC students to arrive by 8:30. This does not apply to elementary students. Daily attendance is taken each morning and recorded. Absences and tardies will be reflected on the students report card and we discourage excessive tardiness and absences.
Late Arrival Procedures
If your student is late to school you need to park and accompany them and wait outside the office in the enclosed area. Administration will take all tardy students to class at 9:00 AM. Please make every effort to have your student to school on time. This applies to both Early Childhood and elementary students.
Morning Child Care
Morning child care is offered every morning at 7:30-8:00 . Please park your car in a parking spot and wait outside the front gate with your child when dropping off and a teacher will greet you at the gate. We ask that parents using morning childcare be at the gate with their student at 8:00. Families driving in at 8:00 will not be admitted and need to join the arrival line for 8:15 arrivals. The teachers from all classrooms get their students and escort them to their classrooms at that time. If you are interested in our unlimited child care please contact Jose at
After School Child Care
After school child care is from 2:45-6:00 PM. Please park your car in a parking spot and go to the front gate and your child will be brought to you. If you are interested in our unlimited child care please contact Jose at
Please do not send your student to school with any symptoms or if they are not feeling well and to be able to return to school their symptoms need to be improving. If your student has a fever, is vomiting, has diarrhea or is on an antibiotic they may not return to school for 24 hours and be symptom free. We appreciate your support and understanding.
All illnesses need to be reported to Negative Covid tests are not required for symptoms; however please have your child stay at home for the following:
- Runny noses
- Wet cough
- Vomiting-Students need to be vomit free for 24 hours (without medication)
- Fever-Students need to be fever free for 24 hours (without medication)
- Tired/Not feeling 100%-We want our students to feel well while at school
- Diarrhea-Students need to be diarrhea free for 24 hours (without medication)
For visitor parking please use the spots in front of the school. The parking spots located by the dumpster are employee parking and certain staff arrive at different times of the day.
RenWeb Parent Portal
New Families – Set Up FACTSIt is also helpful for all new families to sign up for their FACTSMgt (RenWeb Parent Portal) access. Please use the following link; click here. You will select Create New Family Portal Account. Enter your email address, and the district code is CO-CA
Once you create your family portal account, you can see the school directory and access the RenWeb portal, where you will find report cards and other relevant school information.
Head Injury Policy
In the event of an injury above the neck we will call the student’s parents to inform them of the incident and require them to come to the school and check them out and make the decision to take their student home or leave them at school. The student is monitored until the parent comes to school. If the staff member notices any changes to the student’s condition, 911 will be called and the parent is immediately called to let them know.
2024 Calendar

The CMS Family